Build a better WP e-Commerce user registration experience

Posted by on Jun 18, 2012 in Blog, E-Commerce, Wordpress, WP e-Commerce | 6 Comments

The problem If you want users to be able to register on your site in WP e-Commerce you need to set Settings/Store/Checkout tab “Users must register before checking out:” to YES. This has some drawbacks. You are forcing your users to register. I know I personally do not like that and often just leave the […]

WP e-Commerce my site is slow, it’s your host folks!

Posted by on Jun 16, 2012 in Blog, E-Commerce, Hosting, Wordpress, WP e-Commerce | No Comments

My site is really slow what can I do? I spend a lot of time talking to people who complain that their WP e-Commerce site is running awfully slow. They use plugins like WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache. These are good plugins. People minify files. They use caching services like Cloudflare which is […]

WP e-Commerce, make $0.00 items show “Please request a quote” message

The question Is there an option to hide the prices (as it doesn’t really apply) on some products? or is there a way to use this solution: in the Elegance theme? Can it link to a contact/enquiry form. Answer Well hiding a price on a per product basis is possible with CSS but the […]

Add a Pinterest button to the WP e-Commerce Facebook & Twitter buttons, no plugins.

I was asked “Is there a way to have a Pinterest button in the same location as the built in Facebook and Twitter buttons that come with WP e-Commerce. I can use a plugin but I want it to sit with the other buttons and match the existing ones” The question was in relation to […]

Storefront Echo theme, ‘Latest Products’ text above homepage carousel will not change.

Posted by on May 31, 2012 in Blog, Echo, Storefront Themes, Themes | No Comments

The Problem When using Storefront Themes, Echo theme you can go to Storefront Options Panel/Text Above Carousel Tab and enter some text in the “Text Above Carousel” field. If you are using the Jigoshop e-commerce plugin everything is fine and you see your text on your homepage. If you are using WP e-Commerce or Woocommerce […]

Add a full screen background image to your WordPress site

Posted by on May 31, 2012 in Blog, Elegance, Gridport, Storefront Themes, Themes, Wordpress | One Comment

The Question I have a background image which, when opened on a computer with larger resolution, doesn’t resize. The height is ok but not the width. Is it possible to have it scale to fit the width? Is there a way to make a background image resizeable? As in, fill the background of a web […]

WP e-Commerce, when the ‘Same as Billing’ checkbox will not display on the checkout page!

Posted by on May 30, 2012 in Blog, E-Commerce, WP e-Commerce | One Comment

Strange little problem that drove me mad When you go to the WP e-Commerce Settings/Store/Checkout Tab at the top under miscellaneous Yes No radio buttons for “Enable Shipping Same as Billing Option:” Today I had a user ask me why when this was set to Yes the “Same as Billing: checkbox was not displayed above […]

Storefront Xyloto theme, how to add the currently playing track title to the music player.

Posted by on May 29, 2012 in Blog, Storefront Themes, WP e-Commerce, Xyloto | No Comments

I was asked, “Is there a way to have the active/playing track or file name visible in the sidebar?’ It turns out this is very easy. A simple PHP edit and a small about of css and you are done. A five minute job. First add track title to the PHP Luckily the player includes […]

Storefront Elegance Theme, add navigation to the slider

I was asked if it was possible to add some some Navigation to the Slider It is possible to add Arrows fro Previous ans Next and Bullets for navigating to slides directly. It would be possible to add thumbnail navigation I believe but that becomes quite complicated as you need to change a bunch of […]

Proportional thumbnails in Storefront Elegance theme

The Problem In the Storefront Themes, Elegance theme the thumbnails below the single product page image are always square. This is good in some ways because if you have uploaded images of varying shapes to your product gallery the layout will still be neat. If you have followed my mantra of uploading all of your […]