Storefront Elegance theme. Change the size of the homepage slider

Posted by on Nov 26, 2012 in Blog, Elegance, Storefront Themes | One Comment

I have had a couple of people ask how to change the size of the slider on the homepage of Storefronts Elegance theme. So prepare to venture into some PHP code. This is really easy stuff, just changing a couple of numbers, show no fear and jump in even if you have never done it […]

WP e-Commerce, make $0.00 items show “Please request a quote” message

The question Is there an option to hide the prices (as it doesn’t really apply) on some products? or is there a way to use this solution: in the Elegance theme? Can it link to a contact/enquiry form. Answer Well hiding a price on a per product basis is possible with CSS but the […]

Add a full screen background image to your WordPress site

Posted by on May 31, 2012 in Blog, Elegance, Gridport, Storefront Themes, Themes, Wordpress | One Comment

The Question I have a background image which, when opened on a computer with larger resolution, doesn’t resize. The height is ok but not the width. Is it possible to have it scale to fit the width? Is there a way to make a background image resizeable? As in, fill the background of a web […]

Storefront Elegance Theme, add navigation to the slider

I was asked if it was possible to add some some Navigation to the Slider It is possible to add Arrows fro Previous ans Next and Bullets for navigating to slides directly. It would be possible to add thumbnail navigation I believe but that becomes quite complicated as you need to change a bunch of […]

Proportional thumbnails in Storefront Elegance theme

The Problem In the Storefront Themes, Elegance theme the thumbnails below the single product page image are always square. This is good in some ways because if you have uploaded images of varying shapes to your product gallery the layout will still be neat. If you have followed my mantra of uploading all of your […]

WP e-Commerce, how to process $0.00 sales and 100% coupons which PayPal will not accept

The Problem I had a question recently about why a coupon was not being processed at the PayPal end. It turns out that PayPal will not process a $0.00 sale. If you have an item for $10.00 and a discount coupon for $10.00 the coupon is processed on the WP e-Commerce checkout page showing a […]

Storefront Elegance theme, add out of stock notice to grid view

Update: This post was updated August 31 2012 to fix an error in the code. Error was echo e_(‘Out of stock’ Correction echo _e(‘Out of stock’ Question: Is there a way to keep the product in category view but with text ‘sold’ instead of the price? With WP e-Commerce you have two options for out […]

Storefront Xyloto theme, remove the Products in the “XYZ” category text.

Posted by on Feb 29, 2012 in Blog, Elegance, Storefront Themes, WP e-Commerce, Xyloto | No Comments

Very short post here for the folks using the awesome new Xyloto theme from Storefront Themes. Yes I work for them I know, but it really is pretty awesome. The questions. “At the top of the category pages it says Products in the “XYZ” Category. I just want the Category name, where do I change […]

Storefront Elegance Theme, Checkout Page, billing and shipping not aligned

Why are my Shipping and Billing checkout areas not aligned? A short simple post today about a very specific problem. This is for users of the Storefront Themes Elegance Theme version 1.4.5 and later. See the images This is not a bug. The checkout page is designed to be a full width page. If you […]

Storefront Themes “Elegance” the rules of the Carousel

Posted by on Dec 13, 2011 in Blog, Elegance, Storefront Themes, Themes, WP e-Commerce | One Comment

Turn it on The Carousel will not work unless you have a page called Home and that page is assigned to be Front page in Settings/reading. Then you must go to Storefront Options panel/Homepage Carousel tab and select something on the “Carousel Options” dropdown. You can select “Don’t Use the Carousel” after which of course […]