WP e-Commerce – image size and what do all the settings do?
Part 2. So you have read all the cerebral artistic and sales theory of part 1, time to get technical and practical. We left off talking about aspect ratio’s. There is one golden rule that you shall not violate when producing images for your WP e-Commerce shop. All of the images you upload must have […]
WP e-Commerce – how do I choose an image size and what do all the settings do?
There are really two parts to this problem, the considerations involved in choosing a good image size and the technical issues involved in implementing your plan. I will cover this in two posts, this first one will deal with choosing your aspect ratio. Part 2 will cover putting your decision into action in WP e-commerce. […]
Using BackupBuddy to backup or move your WordPress site
There are very few WordPress plugins that I would list as essential. BackupBuddy is one of those plugins, it is installed on every WordPress site I have created including this one. Yes it costs money, at this time $75 for two sites, the peace of mind is worth ten times that. You have all heard the mantra […]