Add an Accordion menu for mobile devices to the Storefront Echo theme
My menus go off the screen, how can I have a multi-level menu on a small screen? Storefronts Echo theme is designed to be responsive as the current hip jargon goes. That is to say the layout changes to adapt to different devices and screen sizes. Designing for small screens, meaning mobile devices means juggling […]
WP e-Commerce add the Variation price to the Variation selector
The question “Is there was a way to display the price of each variation next to it in the drop down menu, that would be great?” I actually thought this would be quite difficult and involve hacking on the core plugin files. I hunted around in the plugin files without any luck. Then I took […]
Creating a cufon font
What the heck is Cufón? Cufón consists of two individual parts – a font generator, which converts fonts to a proprietary format and a rendering engine written in JavaScript that renders them on your Web site. Cufón allows web developers to use non standard web fonts on their sites without worrying if the end user […]
Make it possible to target specific pages with CSS in Storefronts Gridport theme.
Yet another request for little modifications and additions for the Storefront Themes Gridport theme. This is number six. This is becoming a blog about one theme! The question “I want to use that Custom CSS but I need it to only apply on specific pages. How do I do that ?” The answer is out […]
Add a sidebar to Storefronts Gridport Theme main Blog page
Yet another request for little modifications and additions for the Storefront Themes Gridport theme. This is number six. This is becoming a blog about one theme! The question “Can I have a sidebar on the main Blog page?” The answer is yes. You will need to do one extremely simple PHP edit. I don’t think […]
Storefront Xyloto theme, remove the Products in the “XYZ” category text.
Very short post here for the folks using the awesome new Xyloto theme from Storefront Themes. Yes I work for them I know, but it really is pretty awesome. The questions. “At the top of the category pages it says Products in the “XYZ” Category. I just want the Category name, where do I change […]
How to add your own Cufon font to Storefront Gridport and Mylo Themes
Here I am back on the subject of Storefront Themes Gridport theme. Not so much a modification request this time as an addition, or extension. Splitting hairs maybe, you do need to edit some code. Lots of Gridport posts, I think it is quite popular. The questions. “can I use another font for the site? […]
Add Category thumbnails to Storefront Gridport Theme Product Category pages
Here we are back on the subject of Storefront Themes Gridport theme. This is modification request number five! The question “I have “Show Product Category Thumbnails:” set to YES on Settings/Store/Presentation tab of WP e-Commerce settings but they do not appear on my Product Category pages. How do I make them appear?” Well this theme […]
Add a sidebar to the Storefront Gridport Theme Search results page.
Well there seem to be lots of requests for little modifications and additions for the Storefront Themes Gridport theme. This is number four and I have one more to write.. The question “Can I have a sidebar on the search results page as it looks a bit empty full width?” The answer is yes. You […]
Show full post entries on Storefront “Gridport” theme Blog page
Another short post on a very specific topic. If you are a user of the Gridport theme by Storefront Themes read on. The question “Can I show the full blog entries on the blog page instead of the excerpt and thumbnail in a grid?” The answer is yes. You will need to do one simple […]