Temporarily close your WP e-Commerce store
The question Everyone needs a break and not all of you are giant companies. Some of you are small one or two person operations making gorgeous things with love. I received this question about the online store of one such artisan manufacturer, ‘Coco Suisse” whose chocolates are awesome by the way…. “I’m actually taking off […]
Storefront Elegance theme. Change the size of the homepage slider
I have had a couple of people ask how to change the size of the slider on the homepage of Storefronts Elegance theme. So prepare to venture into some PHP code. This is really easy stuff, just changing a couple of numbers, show no fear and jump in even if you have never done it […]
Storefront themes, Boutique theme, add a right sidebar to your blog
The question Here’s my issue: I want my blog page to actually LOOK like a blog, instead of like another store page. But because it’s just a page with posts, it doesn’t really look like a blog, and it doesn’t really function like a blog. Answer This is not too hard but does involve editing […]
Storefront Designer theme, make the products page image link to the single product page
The question A very specific post for the Storefront Themes Designer theme, the question was can the user be sent to the single product page when they click the product image on te products page or a category page. The default behavior is to open the image in a lightbox. The lightbox should only work […]
WP e-Commerce make $0.00 items say “Free” instead
The question Is there an option to hide the price when it is $0.00 or change it to say Free?. Answer The code below is basically a minor variation from this post which would be a good guide to doing this in the Storefront Themes Elegance theme. This example is for the Storefront themes Original […]
Storefront Edge theme, add Search box to the top of the page
The Storefront themes Edge theme lacks a integrated search box which means you have to add search via a widget. This makes Edge users a little envious of the other themes. So lets soothe those egos. The PHP You will need to add a couple of lines to header.php which you will find in the […]
Storefront Original theme, change the height of Carousel images in the homepage
The question My products are books, so I need rectangular images. I found ways to do that for product pages and Gridview, but not the Carousel, they are square. How can I change the height of the images in the Carousel? Answer The Carousel images are in fact set to be 120 x 120 pixels. […]
WP e-Commerce: add a product category grid to your themes homepage.
The question Is there any way on the front page; under the sliding rotator to display the products (I only have 6) in a grid 3×2? This was in relation to using the Storefront themes Boutique theme, but this example will work on most themes although the exact location you insert the PHP will vary. […]
WP e-Commerce, make $0.00 items show “Please request a quote” message
The question Is there an option to hide the prices (as it doesn’t really apply) on some products? or is there a way to use this solution: http://getshopped.org/forums/reply/reply-to-how-to-hide-the-price-if-zero-7/ in the Elegance theme? Can it link to a contact/enquiry form. Answer Well hiding a price on a per product basis is possible with CSS but the […]